Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

"SHAME" It's Good

Not many people know that shame is good. More people think the nature of shame is not so good, because it 
can inhibit the association, inhibit communication, and inhibits socialization. In fact, sometimes people who have a shy nature want it's nature lost from himself.

Whereas, if we know its science. We will be proud with the nature of shame that we have.

"Faith it is there are seventy branches or more than sixty branches, the highest is (sentence tawhid) la ilaha illa Allah (there is no god that right to be worshiped except Allah), and the lowest is get rid of anything that interferes with the way, and shame it's a branch of faith. "(Narrated by Muslim Faith Chapter 58).

So, are we appropriate assumes if shame it's bad?
And the last from me, "you must be proud to have a shy nature". :)

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